Saying farewell to a tooth isn't something we often look forward to, but sometimes, it's a necessary step toward maintaining our overall dental health. While our teeth are meant to last a lifetime, several conditions may lead to your dentist in Candler, NC, recommending an extraction as the best course of action.

Understanding these reasons can help us accept and prepare for the procedure, should it become necessary. Here are some of the top reasons why a tooth may need to be removed and what signs to look out for. Remember, early detection by a dentist can often save a tooth, so regular dental visits are key.

Dentist in Candler NC holds a newly extracted tooth

When Extraction is the Answer

Advanced Tooth Decay

Decay can wreak havoc on a tooth, starting with a small cavity and progressing to invade the deeper layers of the tooth structure. When bacteria penetrate the enamel and dentin and reach the pulp, it can lead to severe infection. 

At this stage, not only does the tooth cause significant pain, but it also risks spreading the infection to adjacent teeth and the surrounding bone.  

If a root canal isn’t possible due to extensive decay or the tooth's structural integrity is beyond repair, your dentist may opt for extraction to prevent further damage to your oral health.

Periodontal Disease

Gum disease starts as gingivitis, with red, swollen gums, and can progress to periodontitis if left unchecked. This advanced stage of gum disease goes beyond the gums and affects the periodontal ligaments and jawbone that anchor teeth in place. 

Teeth may become loose as the supporting structure deteriorates. If periodontal disease has advanced to a point where restoration of the affected tissue is not feasible, extraction will be recommended to eliminate pain and prevent the spread of infection.

Tooth Damage From Injury

Dental injuries can occur from sports, falls, or even biting down on hard foods. A severely cracked or broken tooth may not be salvageable with a crown or other restorative methods. 

If the break extends below the gumline, or there’s a fracture in the tooth's root, the prognosis for repair is poor.  

In such cases, extracting the damaged tooth is often the safest way to prevent infection and pave the way for a replacement that can restore function and appearance.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last to emerge and often become problematic. They may grow misaligned, partially emerge from the gum, or become trapped (impacted) due to space limitations in the jaw.  

This impaction can cause pain and swelling and lead to infection. Furthermore, impacted wisdom teeth can cause damage to adjacent teeth and lead to crowding, necessitating their removal to protect the overall alignment and health of your mouth.

blonde patient explaining pain to her Dentist in Candler NC

Do You Need to See a Dentist in Candler, NC?

Tooth extraction is never the first choice, but it is sometimes the most responsible one for safeguarding your oral health and well-being. Remember, regular dental check-ups and promptly addressing oral health issues are the key to avoiding such outcomes.

If you're experiencing dental discomfort or just due for a check-up, we're here to help. Contact Cataloochee Dental Group today to schedule your appointment. We're dedicated to guiding you through all your dental care decisions with compassion and expertise, ensuring you feel confident and informed every step of the way.