You have numerous options when it comes to replacing missing teeth, and it’s worth weighing them carefully. Dental bridges and dentures are two popular choices, but if you’re angling for a solution that feels more natural and stable, then dental bridges in Candler, NC, might just be your best bet.  

Here are five solid reasons why choosing a dental bridge could be a smarter move than going with dentures.

dental bridges candler nc

1. Better Comfort and Stability

Ever worry about your teeth slipping mid-conversation or during dinner? With dental bridges, that's off the table. They’re anchored right onto your existing teeth or implants, which means they don't wiggle around like dentures can. This perk alone can save you from those awkward moments and give you a boost of confidence.

2. Natural Look and Feel

Dental bridges get a big thumbs up for blending in. They’re tailor-made to match your other teeth in color and shape so they look natural. This can make a huge difference in how your smile looks and how good you feel when you flash those pearly whites.

3. Easier to Maintain

Taking care of dental bridges is no more difficult than caring for your natural teeth. Just brush, floss, and keep up with dentist visits like you normally would. Dentures, on the other hand, need the whole spa treatment – out for cleaning, soaking overnight, and sometimes they need extra glue just to stay in place. If you want to keep things simple, bridges are definitely the way to go.  

4. Built to Last

Dental bridges are in it for the long haul. Treat them right, and they can last over a decade, which is great for your wallet and less hassle in the long run. Dentures? They might bail on you sooner thanks to wear or changes in your mouth’s shape. So, if durability’s what you’re aiming for, you can always count on bridges.

5. Keeps Other Teeth in Line

Here’s an awesome lesser-known benefit: dental bridges help keep the rest of your teeth where they should be. They fill in gaps to help evenly spread out the biting pressure, so your other teeth don’t start moving into weird positions. It’s like they help keep everyone in check, preserving both your bite and your face’s shape.

male patient just got dental bridges candler nc

Still Can’t Decide Between Dentures or Dental Bridges in Candler, NC? We’ve Got You!

Deciding between dental bridges and dentures is more than just choosing the best tool for the job – it's about choosing what makes you feel your best. Dental bridges check a lot of boxes with their snug fit, natural look, simplicity in care, lasting power, and how they keep the rest of your teeth playing nice.  

If you’re still mulling it over and need some expert advice, why not reach out to us?  

At Cataloochee Dental Group, we’ve got all your bases covered. Whether you're leaning toward bridges or still considering dentures, we’re here to help you figure it out. We provide both options, which means you can explore what works best for you. Our friendly experts are always ready to help you find the perfect fit for your smile and lifestyle.  

Drop by or give us a call, and let's get you smiling confidently in no time. Here’s to a healthier, happier mouth!